About the P&C

The Cranbrook P&C Association is a Not for Profit organisation with three business centres.  The P&C members are a dedicated band of parents, administration and staff supporting the school in the education of our children. The association works under a constitution and framework approved by Education Queensland.
The P&C Association also runs a number of fundraising events and functions throughout the year such as Chappy Dinner, school sports carnival catering and fetes.  The events are decided on in general P&C meetings..

We meet on the third Wednesday of each month, at 6.30pm in our Uniform Shop. For more information on events and meeting dates please click here.

The P&C Association's goal is to provide financial contributions to the Cranbrook State School to enhance the learning and environment for the children by supplementing resources and contributing funds for the improvement of school facilities, amenities and grounds. For information on past projects click here.

The P&C contributes to programs in a range of areas, including:

  • Learning and teaching
  • Information communication and technology
  • Grounds maintenance and development.

The P&C runs a tuckshop as a service to our students and staff and also to raise funds.  Volunteers are an important part of our tuckshop.  Without them we would be unable to operate.  If you can spare any time at all, even one hour in the morning, it would be a valuable contribution.  If you would like to give it a try please contact us, your help is greatly appreciated.

The P&C also runs an outside school hours care centre on the school grounds which runs before school care from 6.30am and afternoon care until 6.00 pm and during some holidays.

The P&C also runs the Uniform Shop and Coffee Shop located in the Hall Extension. All items of the Cranbrook State School Uniform can be purchased by cash or card or from this website!

Persons applying for membership at a general meeting must be present at the meeting at which their application is considered. The signed document must be submitted.  Applications for membership is the last item on the general meeting agenda.  Membership is renewable each year at the annual general meeting.  Persons applying for membership at an annual general meeting need not be present at the annual general meeting, to have their application considered.

Check the events for updated meeting dates for 2024.

We are happy for you to contact us at any time.  Your involvement within the school is valued by the school community.


President:               Adrian Coventry

Vice-President:        Louise McNamara

Treasurer:               Bob Parker

Secretary:               Jacinta Bancroft